Journal papers
Maezumi, S.Y., B.S. Whitney, F.E. Mayle, J.G. De Souza, J. Iriarte. (in press) Reassessing climate and pre-Columbian drivers of paleofire activity in the Bolivian Amazon. Quaternary International. Available online 14 December 2017.
Carson, J., Mayle, F. E., Whitney, B., Iriarte, J. and Soto, D. (in press). Pre-Columbian ring ditch construction and land use on a “chocolate forest island” in the Bolivian Amazon. Journal of Quaternary Science.
Dickau, R., Iriarte, J., Quine, T. and Soto. D. Reconstructing pre-Colombian agricultural practices in the Bolivian savannah: preliminary stratigraphic and phytolith analyses of raised fields at Campo España, western Llanos de Moxos. (in press). Cadernos do LEPAARQ. Universidade Federal do Pelotas.
Iriarte, J., Smith, R., Gregorio de Souza, J., Mayle, F., Whitney, B.S., Cárdenas, M. L., Singarayer, J., Carson, J. F., Roy, S., and Valdes, P. (2017). Out of Amazonia: Late Holocene Climate Change and the Tupi-Guarani Trans-Continental Expansion. The Holocene 27(7): 967-975.
Ball, T., Chandler-Ezell, K., Duncan, N., Dickau, R., Hart, T. C., Iriarte, J., Lentfer, C., Lu, H., Madella, M., Pearsall, D. M., Piperno, D., Rosen, A. M., Vrydaghs, L., Weisskopf, A., Zhang, J. (2016). Phytoliths As a Tool for Investigations of Agricultural Origins and Dispersals Around the World. Journal of Archaoelogical Science 68:32-45.
Maezumi, Shira Y., Power, Mitchel J., Mayle, Francis.E., McLauchlan, Kathering, Iriarte, J. (2015). The effects of past climate variability on fire and vegetation in the cerrado savanna ecosystem of the Huanchaca Mesetta, Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, NE Bolivia. Climate of the Past 11: 835-853.
Watling, J., Iriarte, J., Whitney, B., Consuelo, E., Mayle, F., Schaan, D., Castro, W., Feldpaush, T. (2016). Differentiation of neotropical ecosystems by modern soil phytolith assemblages and its implications for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions II: southwestern Amazonian forests. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 226: 30-43.
Zangerlé, A., Renard, D., Iriarte, J., Suarez Jimenez, L. E., Adame Montoya, K. L., McKey, D. (in press). The Surales, Self-organized Earth-mound Landscapes Made by Earthworms in a Seasonal Tropical Wetland. PLoS ONE 11: e0154269.
Book chapters:
Alves, D.T. (2016). Plant food Consumption and the origin of Amazonian Dark Earth in the Lower Tapajós region. Beyond waters – Archaeology and Environmental history of the Amazonian Inland. Per Stemborg (Editor). University of Gothenburg Press. Gothenburg: 61-70.
Iriarte, J. Investigating Amazonian Dark Earths as agro-ecosystems and their impact on the regional landscapes of the Lower Amazon. In Per Stenborg, ed, Beyond Waters: Archaeology and Environmental History of the Amazonian Inland, pp. 71-86, University of Gothenburgh.
Iriarte, J. Sustainable Amazonian Futures: Lessons from the past. (in press). In Exploring Frameworks for Tropical Forest Conservation: managing production and consumption for sustainability. UNESCO.
Iriarte, J. (2015). Understanding Amazonia’s past to ensure its sustainable future. ‘Imaging the past: Using new information technologies to nurture historical analysis’ symposium. Spotlight on ERC grantees, AAAs, San Jose, California, USA, 12-16 February.
Iriarte, J. Pre-Columbian Amazon-Scale Transformations. Destination Europe Brazil, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Florianopolis, 15-20 November 2015. Testimonial presentations as ERC grantee on the PAST project.